B2B Lead Generation

Build Networks,
Boost Results

Fill your sales pipeline with qualified prospects, automatically.

Network Booster

The ultimate lead generation service

Magni’s flagship service leverages the LinkedIn profile of a representative from your company to connect with high-value prospects at scale. Our approach makes it fast and easy to automate network building, gaining hundreds of valuable connections in a short time. The result is a flood of qualified leads at a fraction of your traditional marketing spend.

Campaign Case Study

Results vary depending on the strength of the campaign and profile. These stats reflect an attainable monthly goal for most industries within 3 months.

Messages sent this month


Conversion rate

Leads this month

Your industry, our tailored solutions

"The team walked me through everything. No wasted meetings and we have more leads than ever."

Sara Romero, CMO

"Magni expanded our investment network to increase funding for our program."

Alana Treff, Founder

"A reliable source of leads and a brand awareness tool."

John Alston, Sales Director

Agency Services

Boost your sales pipeline and grow your business.

Network Booster

Connections Campaign

Build your audience list

Connect at scale automatically

Dedicated support

Campaign reporting

CRM integration

Automated lead follow-up

Outreach Team

Campaign Management

1 Network Booster

CRM integration

Marketing automation audit

Manage paid channels

Content Production

Content Production

Campaign and Content

Full agency services

Lead magnet


Ad production

Social media heartbeat

Strategy for paid channels

Don’t chase business, attract it

Magni Digital is a great fit if you want to:

  • Automatically generate leads
  • Sell a B2B product or service
  • Build your database of target accounts
  • Attend fewer marketing meetings and get better results
  • Nurture prospects
  • Monitor campaign results and consult with industry experts

Ready to get started?